Arabic is a member of Semitic language family, and is a very old language, first appearing on the Arabian Peninsula. The earliest forms of Arabic date back to around the 8th Century BCE. As the language developed and grew, so did the culture so much so that by the 8th Century A.D., Arabic was the language of science due to Baghdad being one of the main centers for astronomy and sciences. Arabic also played an important role during exchanges along the Silk Roads. In short, the language has quite a long, and very rich history. To read more about this language, Click Here and Here, and Here.
Well, I've been putting off updating this page, because the Arabic Potter translations are not nearly as straightforward as one I, and many others, once thought. Honestly, I'm not even going to begin to tackle explaining everything about the Arabic translations - Potterglot and Potter of Babble both do fabulous jobs, so I am going to put their links here. The books below are all softcover. As far as which translation I have, I am uncertain.
Harry Potter and the Morphing Arabic Translator
Harry Potter and the Ever-Transfigured Arabic Translation
Three versions of Harry Potter in Arabic: read our post over at Potterglot!
هاري بوتر وحجر الفيلسوف
ISBN: 9789771418818
هاري بوتر وجماعة العنقاء
ISBN: 9771438794
هاري بوتر وحجرة الأسرار
ISBN: 9771421700
هاري بوتر وسجين أزكابان
ISBN: 6221133315623
هاري بوتر وكأس النار
ISBN: 9771426974
هاري بوتر والأمير الهجين
ISBN: 6221133323710
هاري بوتر ومقدسات الموت
ISBN: 9771442058