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The Azerbaijani language, a Turkic language, is quite interesting and is spoken by those who live Azerbaijan as well as surrounding areas. Due to the geographic areas in which Azerbaijani is found, it is influenced by Persian, Arabic, and Russian. Azerbaijani uses several different alphabets and is the first Turkic language to adopt the use of the Latin Alphabet. 

To read more about the Azerbaijani language, Click Here.

Harri Potter və fəlsəfə daşıI

...və Azkaban məhbusu

ISBN: 9789952265774

Harry Potter Book 1 in Azerbaijani

...və sirlər otağı

ISBN: 9789952265439

ISBN: 9789952268508


...və Alov QədəhiI

ISBN: 9789952361698


...və si̇Murq Ordeni


...vÉ™ Yarmiqan Prins

...vÉ™ ölüm yadigarları

The Azerbaijani books are published by Qanun. The first book was translated by FÉ™xrÉ™ddin AÄŸazadÉ™, the 2nd by KifayÉ™t Haqverdiyeva, the third by FÉ™rid Hüseynli, and the fourth by Gülmira FÉ™tullayeva; books 5 - 7 were translated by NÉ™rmin Ä°skÉ™ndÉ™r. All 7 books have been published. They feature original cover art. The books are now fairly easy to find, even in the US, due to the publisher receiving funding again and reprinting them, however, there once was a time when the 1st 3 Azerbaijani translations were quite hard to find. Multiple translators were used. Book 1 was translated by FÉ™xrÉ™ddin AÄŸazadÉ™, Book 2 by KifayÉ™t Haqverdiyeva, Book 3 by FÉ™rid Hüseynli, Book 4 by Gülmira FÉ™tullayeva, Books 5 - 7 by NÉ™rmin Ä°skÉ™ndÉ™r.


To hear the 1st paragraph of the 1st book, Click Here.

ISBN: 9789952364187

ISBN: 9789952366457

ISBN: 9789952380361

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