The Hebrew language is a Semitic language originally adopted by the Israelites and was spoken in ancient Palestine. The language is closely related to Moabite and Phoenician. There are roughly four linguistic Hebrew periods: Biblical/Classical, Mishnaic/Rabbinic, Medieval Hebrew, and Modern. There are approximately 5 million speakers of Modern Hebrew. The language reads right to left.
To learn more about this language, Click Here, and Here, Here, and Here.
To hear the 1st paragraph of the 1st book, Click Here.
The first Hebrew editions (published by Miskal Ltd. (Yedioth Ahronoth and Sifrey Hemed)[93] / Books in the Attic Ltd. and translated by Gili Bar-Hillel) feature the quite common Mary GrandPre covers. The books were published in softcover first. Later editions would come and feature other cover art from other Potter artists.