I began collecting Harry Potter translations somewhat late into Potter collecting at the urging of my best book-friend, Peter who runs the lovely Potter website, ThePotterCollector.com and Instagram page @ThePotterCollector. The collecting idea fit, and once I started, I found I greatly enjoyed hunting down all the different books from the far-flung corners of the world. However, rather than just collect Philosopher's Stone, as most are doing for obvious reasons, I am attempting to document the many translations and editions of Potter books that have been published around the world (A lofty idea, I know). Since first beginning to collect translations of these two books, I have also branched out to also collecting the shorter Potter sets (not all 7 books were translated into every language, i.e. only books 1 and 2 were translated into Tibetan); on the rare occasion, I'll purchase a Beedle the Bard translation, but this isn't too common, as I really only purchase those for their cover art, but not necessarily because I want them to complete anything.
My lovely translation collection began because of Peter and was made all the better because of my love of languages and traveling. Now, it continues to thrive because of the many, many people I've met along the way while working to complete it. I knew before I began collecting the Potter translations that the Potter collecting community was full of lovely people, I just did not realize how wide the Potter community extended until I started on my journey Around the World with Harry Potter in the middle of 2015.
To Peter, Thank you for ever encouraging me. To all of the many wonderful people I've met and now call friend as well as those I will meet, Thank You. My collection and I are so much better because of you. I can never say Thank You enough.
Each country name is a link; simply click on the country you wish to visit and learn more about that country's Potter books. If the country has more than one Potter translation, those links are beneath the country name. I apologize that not all of this world's Potter books are on here yet as each of these books pictured, unless otherwise stated, is from my personal collection, so I will continue updating the website as my collection continues to grow.
Each of the books included here have been ranked on a 1 - 10 scale, with 1 being the easiest to find and 10 being the hardest. The rankings have been mostly determined from my experience buying and selling these books throughout the world. I have also included the ISBN taken from each of my books, so if you see a copy you'd like, your looking may be a bit expedited.
Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask :) And of course, Happy Collecting.