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The Turkish language is a Turkic language in the Altaic group. Along with being spoken in Turkey (where it is also the official language), the language is also spoken in Cyprus (where it one of the official languages), the Middle East, as well as parts of Europe. There are approximately 90 millions Turkish speakers between native and second language speakers.

Modern Turkish descends from the Ottoman empire, but has undergone many changes to become the language it is today. The earliest form of Turkish appeared in the Orkhon inscriptions, which are the oldest known written records of the Turkic languages, dating back to the 8th century. These texts were written in the Old Turkic script and were used by the Göktürks and other early Turkic states. 

Old Turkish gave way to Middle Turkish. As early as 900, Turkish was written in Arabic script due to the influence of Arabic script languages. As the Turkic-speaking people spread across Central Asia, the language underwent significant changes. During the Seljuk Empire (11th–13th centuries) and the rise of the Ottoman Empire (14th century), the Turkish language absorbed vocabulary from Persian and Arabic due to the influence of Persian culture and Islam And became Ottoman Turkish (15th–19th century), which
 was the language of the Ottoman Empire, heavily influenced by Persian and Arabic. The vocabulary and syntax became complex, with many loanwords, making it significantly different from modern Turkish. 

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk initiated language reforms (such as replacing the Arabic script with Latin in 1928) in the 1920s and 1930s to simplify and purify the language, removing many Persian and Arabic loanwords and replacing them with words of Turkic origin. This effort led to the establishment of the Turkish Language Association (TDK) and the adoption of a new, more phonetic alphabet in 1928, based on the Latin script.

To learn more about the Turkish language, Click Here and Here.To hear the 1st Paragraph of the 1st Book (1st Translation), Click Here.To hear the 1st Paragraph of the 1st Book (2nd Translation), Click Here.

Turkey is one of the growing number of countries that have 2 translations. In this case, only book 1 has 2 Turkish translations. Both share the same Mary GrandPre cover art, but the Publishers, titles, and translators are different. Surprisingly, the 1st translation can still be found for relatively cheaply on US e-commerce sites.

Harry Potter (ve) Büyülü TaÅŸ

1st Turkish Harry Potter translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter (ve) Büyülü Taş

The 1st translation was published by DOST in 1999 and translated by Mustafa Bayındır. According to native speakers, the translation was not a success by any means. Shortly after the book was published, DOST lost the rights. 

ISBN: 9757501956

In 2001, Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık (YKY) published their translation (translated by Ülkü Tamer) under the title Harry Potter ve Felsefe TaÅŸi. This translation was much better received. The book has gone on to have a few different editions and many print runs. This same publisher would go on to publish all 7 books and in multiple editions.

Harry Potter ve Felsefe TaÅŸi

Harry Potter ve Sırlar Odasi

Harry Potter ve Azkaban TutsaÄŸi

Turkish translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter ve Felsefe TaÅŸi

ISBN: 9789750802942

Turkish translation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter ve Sırlar Odasi
Harry Potter translation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter ve Azkaban TutsaÄŸi

ISBN: 9789750802950

ISBN: 9789750803116

There is an edition of Turkish books, again with the GrandPre cover art that are either special editions or maybe book club edition. This edition is a softcover with jacket. I am not sure on how many were made, but I know I have a had 3 or 4 since 2014. I'm not sure if all 7 books were published in this edition, but I know at least 1 -5 have been. 

Turkish Harry Potter translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter ve Felsefe TaÅŸi

ISBN: 9789750802942

Turkish translation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,  Harry Potter ve AteÅŸ Kadehi

ISBN: 9789750803314

Turkish Harry Potter translation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter ve Zümrüdüanka Yoldaşlıği

ISBN: 978975086452

Turkish Harry Potter translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter ve Felsefe TaÅŸi

Quite common in the marketplace is the Jonny Duddle illustrated Turkish books. Like the 1st edition above, all 7 books were published. This book shares the same ISBN as both of the above YKY published Philosopher's Stone books, so you cannot search for this cover using the ISBN. Due to the Duddle books sharing same ISBNs, the Duddle books are what's called 2nd state of the 1st Edition rather than a 2nd edition.

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