Welsh is the oldest spoken language in Britain and is a Brythonic language, meaning British Celtic, which was spoken by those living in what is now called Britain before the Roman occupation in 43 CE. Interestingly, the Brytonic tongue evolved in the British Isles and serves as the basis for not only Welsh, but also Breton and Cornish. One of the first known written Welsh words dates from 700 A.D. and is found a headstone St Cadfan’s church in Tywyn. Over the centuries, Welsh flourished as the dominant language in Wales, especially after the Roman withdrawal from Britain. However, by the 13th century, the English conquest of Wales began, leading to gradual shifts in language dominance. English became more prevalent, especially in administrative, legal, and academic contexts, and Welsh-speaking communities became marginalized, particularly in urban areas.
The 19th and 20th centuries saw a decline in the use of Welsh, particularly with industrialization and the spread of English. Efforts to preserve the language intensified in the late 19th century, and by the mid-20th century, Welsh was increasingly seen as endangered. However, the 1960s marked a turning point with the rise of language activism and the establishment of organizations like the Welsh Language Society. The 1990s witnessed a revival, with the Welsh Language Act (1993) and the formation of the National Assembly for Wales (1999), which gave Welsh equal legal status alongside English in public life. Today, Welsh continues to be a symbol of cultural identity, with growing numbers of speakers and increasing language revitalization efforts.
To learn more about the Welsh Language, Click Here, and Here.To hear the first paragraph of this book, Click Here.
Harri Potter a Maen yr Athronydd